Dear Friends,
We are thrilled to announce the McGregor Fund’s 2023 Eugene A. Miller Fellows!
This sabbatical program proudly supports our grant partners’ CEOs and executive directors to take extended time away from their organizations to recharge, immerse in enriching experiences, build skills and knowledge, and broaden their vision – all according to a plan of their own design.
The 2023 program follows a pandemic hiatus and reflects the Fund’s anti-racism commitment, which included redoubling our efforts to listen, learn, and invest in the leadership within our community. Accordingly, our thinking about the program has shifted.
These past few years made brutal demands on our sector – particularly the Fund’s grant partners who pivoted, innovated and sacrificed to maintain essential services. The demands were especially hard on leaders who managed through profound disruption, often at the expense of their own and their families’ wellbeing. Folks are deeply exhausted. So beginning this year, we’re valuing and encouraging rest as a primary goal for the Fellowship.
We’re also clear about the larger-than-ever need for this program, with many leaders reporting feeling burned out and desperate to take a pause. So this year, we expanded the number of Fellowship awards roughly three-fold to nine – nine extraordinary local leaders who embody service, love of community, and a pathway to a more just world.
Now on to the Fellows!
Looking forward,
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